

A leader in online education.

Learn faster. Move faster. Transform now with our services providing a personalized academic, mentorship and professional programmes for varying needs in Zimbabwe and regional educational needs. Stalkridge, stemming your branches to success.

Mentorship through

Learning is personalized through our one-on-one and mentorship services. personalize your academic progression.

One-on-One Study Tutorials

One-on-one tutorials to help you achieve your academic goals

One-on-one tutorials have been long recognized as the most effective method to boost a child’s confidence and supporting them to reach their full potential.

At Stalkridge we have been offering private tutoring at our campus as well as home tutoring for the last 6 years.

Physical Classes At Our Campus

Learn at our campus & achieve your goals with Stalkridge Group Of Tutors

At Stalkridge we offer specialized classes for Secondary School children. With our well experienced teachers and a very low student- teacher ratio, we know we can help you or your child pass.

Contact us for registration

Remedial and Revision Tutorials

Remedial & Revision tutorials to help you achieve your academic goals

Developing and growing your team is one of the most important activities that any leader can perform.

Come to Stalkridge for leadership training, Mentorship and Team Building to heel prepare your team for both today’s challenges and the assignments that await them in the future.

Mentorship and Team Building

Mentorship and team building programs, to help you achieve your goals

Developing and growing your team is one of the most important activities that any leader can perform.

Come to Stalkridge for leadership training, Mentorship and Team Building to heel prepare your team for both today’s challenges and the assignments that await them in the future.

© 2024 Stalkridge Group Of Tutors.